A-Level H2 Mathematics

$ 25.00

A-Level Study Smart H2 Mathematics – Statistics is designed to provide students with structured practice in H2 Mathematics and to expose students to varied question types to prepare them for major examinations. What can you expect to find in this book?

General Concepts: These are included to help you recap essential concepts that you must know for each topic. These summarise what you learn in school and will save you precious time to get started on the practice questions.

Key Concepts: These are quick reference of formulae and concepts to help you work out specific question types quickly.

Worked Examples: These show detailed and specific steps to solving a problem of a particular question type. Learning is also reinforced through similar question types following the examples. Guided Exercise: These provide you with specific instructions to guide you through solving a problem of a particular question type.



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A-Level H2 Mathematics


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