I was an ex student here and used to get mostly B and C grades for my chemistry and maths. but after going for tuition at Habitat, my grades started improving. the teachers there are very friendly and patient, always motivating me never to give up. As for my O levels, I managed to score distinctions for chemistry and both maths!
If your child is doing well in E Math, he or she might still have challenges in A Math. Our small class setting ensures your child gets the most attention. Our teachers make sure your child is able to grapse all required understanding of A Math.
Fundamentally, how we conduct A math tuition is similar to the way we conduct E math tuition.
However A math requires a faster pace in approaching questions. Therefore speed is one of the key factors that we as an A Math tuition centre assists students to do well in the ‘O’ levels. These are Habitat’s way to A math tuition:
Unlike many centres, our class size is capped at 6 so teacher can spend more time per student. Individualised coaching catered to the student’s need.
Each session last for 2 hours. Understand where they left off previously, recap on existing topic/ start new topic. Teach on concepts and certain questions in the worksheet. Go through/ mark and correct mistakes individually.
At Habitat, we take pride in creating our own notes. We compile our own teaching materials and worksheets based on MOE syllabus. These notes provide the key concepts to students, helping them to excel in A Math.
We believe in exposing students to various exam papers. Being able to understand what answer(s) the question is looking for is crucial to scoring well. There are different styles of questions even when they are looking for the same answer. All these are well covered.
Our model to scoring in Math is using the K-D-C model. Students are taught to first know the concepts. Then we drill them for speed. Lastly the ability to spot mistakes and check if answers are correct will ensure students to avoid losing marks which they duly deserved.
Probably nothing is as important to nurture the affinity to like math. Teachers engaged in short chats to ensure students enjoy learning and that they understand the topic. Relevant stories are shared to make learning more interesting and relatable. That’s why students love our classes!
* Topics/ sub-topics most students find challenges with
Some students do better with A math as compared to E math while some struggle more in A math compared to E math.
The ability to perform in E math does not guarantee performance in A math and vice versa.